SuperRare Metadata Analysis

SuperRare released MP4 & WebM support on March 6, 2020. With this change came a new section in each token’s metadata - “media”, which contains the artwork’s URI, dimensions, file size, and MIME type.

Since the introduction of video support, the following image is an example of what the metadata for each token looks like:

The metadata for each token is available via IPFS, and is accessible via the ‘tokenURI’ field of SuperRare’s contract. For example, the image above is for token ID 33446, and its metadata is available via IPFS.

The statistics below were produced from the metadata of SuperRare Tokens 8584 to 39581 (March 6, 2020 - October 24, 2022).

For more information, please view the ‘sr_metadata’ GitHub repository.

Special thanks to @koloz193 for the initial help with downloading the token metadata 🙏

- @pislices

Largest File Size: 122.00 MB
Token ID: 36344
‘The Answer’ by anyma

Smallest File Size: 123 Bytes
Token ID: 12083
‘Red’ by Pak

Total Media Filesize: 565.00 GB
Overall Average Filesize: 18.72 MB

Once again - if you’d like to learn more about how this data was gathered and analyzed, check out the ‘sr_metadata’ repository.

Thank you!

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